Congregation Beth Chaim
Men's Club

Welcome to the Congregation Beth Chaim Men's Club website. Our mission is to deepen the connections our members have with the congregation and the broader community through social interaction, educational activities, cultural events and more. Explore this site and contact us with any questions or suggestions you may have.


Men's Club Programs & Events
Most events use our on-line registration system. For others, registration forms can be downloaded as PDFs to complete manually. For further information and additional upcoming events see the Calendar page.

Next Men's Club Breakfast -- March 2, 2025, 09:30 AM Join us for our Monthly Breakfast. We often have an interesting speaker and we always have bagels, coffee, and camaraderie. See the Calendar page for details. Email Richard Nocks for more information. Please click here to RSVP. Hover here for a list of upcoming Breakfasts.Upcoming Breakfasts
March 2, 2025
April 6, 2025
May 4, 2025

Upcoming Men's Club Breakfast Speakers and Topics
Mar 2, 2025 -- Mark Ramos -- Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the United States and in more than 70 countries around the world. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat works by building strength, stability and self-reliance in partnership with people and families in need of a decent and affordable home. People all over the world partner with Habitat to build or improve a place they can call home. Please join our breakfast on March 2, 2025 and hear Mark Ramos enthrall our Men’s Club about his personal experiences in being an active Habitat for Humanity volunteer, building homes, and the satisfaction it brings to literally put a roof over the heads of families that go without. This is also a must-see presentation for the CBC’s Jews with Tools squad!
[If you would like to speak at a breakfast, or propose a speaker or a topic, please click here.]

Men's Club Committees -- Seeking 'A Few Good Men'We are creating a number of committees to help with our operations. Details are below. Please join one or more by clicking the link on the left.
MembershipHelp suggest ideas & find ways to attract new members and retain existing members for the Men's Club.
Monthly ProgrammingHelp suggest/find speakers for our breakfast programs. RSVP if you are interested.
Regular ProgramsHelp suggest ideas & help out with our regular programs, such as the Purim Carnival, High Holy Days Parking Lot Duty, etc. RSVP if you are interested.
Special ProgramsHelp suggest/find ideas for new Special Programs, such as social get-togethers, weekday activities, special speakers, etc.
Service ProjectsHelp suggest/find ideas for new service projects, such as Jews with Tools, yard work, bike drive, etc.


Holocaust Education Materials
The Men's Club Holocaust Education Materials are now available for loan from the Synagogue. These materials have been purchased with the proceeds from the Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program. View the list of materials we currently own. All items are available for loan and have been moved to the Beth Chaim Library.

Passover Matzah Rap
Chinese Food On Christmas?

This website is maintained by and for the Congregation Beth Chaim Men's Club and its members.
Webmaster: Hank Lubin. Content Last Updated